Barton McNeil Fourth Judicial District Appellate Court Appeal – Filed August 22, 2024
It is clear when reading the below appeal brief that Barton's legal team made for an incredibly compelling argument in...
Court documents , petitions, motions, appeals
It is clear when reading the below appeal brief that Barton's legal team made for an incredibly compelling argument in...
CLICK HERE TO SEE ATTACHED RELATED PRESS RELEASE An important local news story that first broke in this Illinois State...
This is a very interesting read from beginning to end for those seeking to know more about the Barton McNeil...
2023 April 19th States Motons to Dismiss Discovery and Motion to Present evidence corroborating Misook's confessionsDownload THE FOLLOWING BARTON’S COMMENTS...
The following is the "tool" that 1997-2002 McLean County State's Attorney Charles Reynard and willing accomplice First Assistant State's Attorney...
On February 23rd the attorneys for both the Illinois Innocence Project and Exoneration Project, which is two out of the...
Less than 90 days following the suffocation murder of Christina McNeil, Misook Nowlin came to the attention of the Bloomington...