YouTube Personality & NY Times Best Selling Author Dr. Todd Grande weighs in on the Barton McNeil case

Popular YouTube Channel host Dr. Todd Grande with 1.57 million subscribers released in March 2024 his own 18-minute long analysis of Barton’s case. The video has now been watched over 130,000 times and has garnered over 500+ comments all positive in that the courts got this case clearly wrong. Dr. Grande’s opinion respected by many and he firmly believes Barton is innocent after reviewing the facts of the case. Below are just some of the comments posted on his video to date. In reading the various comments, it is clear that Barton’s conviction did not reach the threshold of beyond a reasonable doubt.

Click here to watch his video on YouTube

@steelonsteel2465 – He’s not guilty. There is too much reasonable doubt.

@oliviarecommends – I don’t think either is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

@jojo2007ish – Dear God this is a miscarriage of justice. They should at minimum retry the case. Lordt.

@ember1794 – I was really skeptical when I read the headline, but after watching this, I am all but convinced he is not guilty! How sad and horrible!

@doriangrey9702 – Poor little girl. He should get a new trial. Thank you Dr.G

@Heyitskrystal – This is straight up tragic someone get this guy a new trial!

@MarieAntoinetteandherlittlesis – What are the odds this man told everyone- she’s an unhinged psycho, and she’s capable of murder, and then she ACTUALLY turns out to be a murderer who strangled someone? Not a coincidence, I think.

@steelonsteel2465 – He’s not guilty. There is too much reasonable doubt.

@Itsmemommio – This poor man he needs true justice and to get out of prison! How sick. Is there a petition somewhere?

@sunnydelight5255 – This case is so obvious. What a miscarriage of justice.

@TastySlowCooker – I wonder what the judge would consider reasonable doubt if this didn’t rise to that level

@kingmiller1982 – That lady definitely killed that little girl.

@carriefawcett9990 – I think the dude is innocent, its very rare i think that.

@cindyguevara3175 – Damn, I actually think he’s innocent

@rebeccapeach4008 – He sounds innocent to me, or at least there is too much doubt as to his guilt.

@JW-zs6tn – isn’t blatant if he or the ex gf did it, but he def wasn’t guilty beyond a reasonable doubt…

@oliviarecommends – I don’t think either is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

@Lisa-x8s – He’s not guilty!

@wilhelmhagberg4897 – At the time of the crime I understand that suspicion fell upon Barton. It seemed farfetched that Mazook would have entered without leaving any evidence, and Barton could easily have arranged the details with the window frame and the fan. But given Mazooks later murderous behavior and her choice of methods it seems Barton was right after all. It’s surprising he is still in jail.

@kevinc809 – He is innocent, no doubt. Why would he go to the police if he did it? No doubt the ugly ex-girlfriend did this. This poor guy rotting in jail because of a broken indifferent justice system. I hope this video helps somehow to get him freed.

@JenniferElizabeth311 – He is innocent. Get that man out of prison NOW.

@nanettevantriesteharder2469 – In my opinion, this is one of the best Dr. Grande videos ever and I am usually very suspicious of finger-pointing suspects in a criminal homicide investigation.

@manewland1 – I should think that the fact that Barton kept pushing the police to investigate should count for something. This is an especially interesting case. Thanks, as always, Dr. Grande!

@thecutellama76 – Netflix should have done a documentary on this case, instead of on Steven Avery who actually is a murderer.

@BohoAstronaut – Where’s the innocent project people or whatever they’re called? I’ve heard of cases way less convincing that this one getting a lot more attention.

@Jay23 – Ryan Ferguson and also Charles Ericson had to fight years after their innocence was basically proven (how could this be?!), but finally got out – I hope this will also be true for Bart, if he is, as I think, innocent!

@msr305 – Cobwebs are sticky. Even if you go thru a doorway, those things are still there.

@jasonbecker4049 – The Hendricks trial in Bloomington had a lot of bearing on stomach content. That county and city is corrupt!

@jcforrester2 – Great presentation Dr. Grande. How can we support Barton McNeil’s appeal ?

@kathleensullivan4547 – Let him go

@marianneotott3071 – This is sure,that Misook is the killer. Where is the justice!??

@nordicpink – Or a spider could’ve built it after the fact. It literally only takes an hour for a spider to build a web. They should do their homework. Look up spiders and how they make their webs; especially those pretty orb weavers.

@NatalieYOT – And spiders can build a web overnight very quickly. I have to clear a web every day from the same place on the clothesline.

@cdeford2 – The spiderweb evidence is worthless. I’d like to know when the rain started exactly. The police did not do a very good job in this case.

@catserver8577 – Why isn’t this guy already having a new trial? Innocence Project needs to get involved maybe.

@lizmonard – Just thinking about the spiderweb, they do know that many spiders ( maybe all?) rebuild their webs every night! more frequently if they are damaged…

@upperccutt – Yep he lived around incompetents, that somehow got in charge

@Vitaminsiobhan – Innocence Project needs to look into this guy!

@JRKonungrinn – Do they not know that spiders easily make large, complicated webs in a matter of hours? They think it means anything that there was a web at the window when they looked the next day?

@sharonhoyt2133 – I posted the same thing before I read your post. That was an absolutely ridiculous reason to think that that woman could not have gone through the window.

@uanime1 They looked the next day, that was long after what happened and more hours than a spider needs to make a new web.

@FoldupKibbles26 – Ah, the classic “You’re not crying how I think you should be crying.” evidence of guilt.

@mbrown5494 – Absolute BS. How could his appeal be denied? It sounds like a small town biased judicial system.

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